2017年6月2日 星期五


直播汽車美容,鍍膜的眉角 新竹鍍膜擁有20餘年經營實戰經驗、 絕對敢用真憑實據說話!我們20餘年來.是用品質信譽取信于使用者.歷經車主間口碑相傳.

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tel      03 531 6796

2016年11月25日 星期五

Nano Coatings: Are They Worth it? - Car Care Products

What are Nano Coatings?

Essentially, nano technology in the detailing industry utilizes a 9th century Mesopotamian trick.
A trick in which pottery-makers created a metallic nano glaze made from copper, silver salts,
and oxides that created a glittering effect on pottery that up through the Renaissance,
made it distinctive for its ancient, shimmering luster. The term “coating” is nothing more than a new term to identify
these incredibly durable polymers. Because that’s all these nano coatings are, polymers.

A study shows that in 1995, “surface engineering”, the study of the surface of hard matter,
was a $17 billion market in the UK with 50% of that, dedicated to coatings that protect automotive surfaces against wear and corrosion.

新竹洗車,新竹汽車打蠟 ,新竹汽車美容

新竹洗車,新竹汽車打蠟 ,新竹汽車美容


Known as “Surface Science”, products now allow the transfer of particles from one surface to the other so that the nano coating
 becomes inseparable from the car’s paint surface. Automotive coating manufacturers claim their formulas “bond” chemically
 and physically to the paint surface, however, their bond loosens over time! On the other hand,
 some of these nano coatings claim they never loosen their bond to the paint meaning that
 they need to be buffed off which involves taking off part of your clear coat with it.

But is the difference between “coatings” and poly sealants really in the technology?

google plus page : http://google.com/+CarstylinghsingchuBlogspotTw

Nano Coatings: Are They Worth it? - Car Care Products

What are Nano Coatings?

Essentially, nano technology in the detailing industry utilizes a 9th century Mesopotamian trick.
A trick in which pottery-makers created a metallic nano glaze made from copper, silver salts,
and oxides that created a glittering effect on pottery that up through the Renaissance,
made it distinctive for its ancient, shimmering luster. The term “coating” is nothing more than a new term to identify
these incredibly durable polymers. Because that’s all these nano coatings are, polymers.

A study shows that in 1995, “surface engineering”, the study of the surface of hard matter,
was a $17 billion market in the UK with 50% of that, dedicated to coatings that protect automotive surfaces against wear and corrosion.

新竹洗車,新竹汽車打蠟 ,新竹汽車美容

新竹洗車,新竹汽車打蠟 ,新竹汽車美容


Known as “Surface Science”, products now allow the transfer of particles from one surface to the other so that the nano coating
 becomes inseparable from the car’s paint surface. Automotive coating manufacturers claim their formulas “bond” chemically
 and physically to the paint surface, however, their bond loosens over time! On the other hand,
 some of these nano coatings claim they never loosen their bond to the paint meaning that
 they need to be buffed off which involves taking off part of your clear coat with it.

But is the difference between “coatings” and poly sealants really in the technology?

Nano Coatings: Are They Worth it? - Car Care Products

What are Nano Coatings?

Essentially, nano technology in the detailing industry utilizes a 9th century Mesopotamian trick.
A trick in which pottery-makers created a metallic nano glaze made from copper, silver salts,
and oxides that created a glittering effect on pottery that up through the Renaissance,
made it distinctive for its ancient, shimmering luster. The term “coating” is nothing more than a new term to identify
these incredibly durable polymers. Because that’s all these nano coatings are, polymers.

A study shows that in 1995, “surface engineering”, the study of the surface of hard matter,
was a $17 billion market in the UK with 50% of that, dedicated to coatings that protect automotive surfaces against wear and corrosion.

新竹洗車,新竹汽車打蠟 ,新竹汽車美容

新竹洗車,新竹汽車打蠟 ,新竹汽車美容


Known as “Surface Science”, products now allow the transfer of particles from one surface to the other so that the nano coating
 becomes inseparable from the car’s paint surface. Automotive coating manufacturers claim their formulas “bond” chemically
 and physically to the paint surface, however, their bond loosens over time! On the other hand,
 some of these nano coatings claim they never loosen their bond to the paint meaning that
 they need to be buffed off which involves taking off part of your clear coat with it.

But is the difference between “coatings” and poly sealants really in the technology?

google plus page : http://google.com/+CarstylinghsingchuBlogspotTw

2016年8月11日 星期四


以獨家 鍍膜技術 和最細緻的工法及產品來對待您的愛車,
將每一台車視如己出,給您最 平價 的服務及品質。

新竹市汽車鍍膜-久朋汽車鍍膜:洗車~打蠟~鍍膜 |從高科技轉戰 洗車美容界達人2016



精緻洗車打蠟 鍍膜處理 臭氧消毒

汽車美容 內裝保養


03 5316796



位於新竹市區中華路附近,提供愛車人一個安全潔淨洗車,汽車美容的品質,更是眾多網友推薦. 我們提供了,精緻新竹洗車|新竹汽車鍍膜|新竹汽車美容|鐵氟龍防護|頂級白金棕櫚防護|抗紫外線封體防護|潔白微拋

 我們沒有太過華麗或豪華的裝潢... 也沒很多的廣告及行銷手法.. 為了就是能提供給您最高品質及最專業的 汽車美容 服務!


以獨家 鍍膜技術 和最細緻的工法及產品來對待您的愛車,
將每一台車視如己出,給您最 平價 的服務及品質。

新竹市汽車鍍膜-久朋汽車鍍膜:洗車~打蠟~鍍膜 |從高科技轉戰 洗車美容界達人2016



精緻洗車打蠟 鍍膜處理 臭氧消毒

汽車美容 內裝保養


03 5316796



位於新竹市區中華路附近,提供愛車人一個安全潔淨洗車,汽車美容的品質,更是眾多網友推薦. 我們提供了,精緻新竹洗車|新竹汽車鍍膜|新竹汽車美容|鐵氟龍防護|頂級白金棕櫚防護|抗紫外線封體防護|潔白微拋

 我們沒有太過華麗或豪華的裝潢... 也沒很多的廣告及行銷手法.. 為了就是能提供給您最高品質及最專業的 汽車美容 服務!